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So you've just earned your B.Ed., what next?

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

If you're reading this blog you've probably recently graduated from university with your Bachelor of Education degree. Congratulations! You've just reached a milestone in your life worth celebrating. After four years of arduous studies, you now feel prepared to

teach in the nations schools and must be thrilled to utilize those skills you've gained to make an impact on youth.

However, I'm sure even now you still have no idea what to do with you life. That's okay! Most of us don't. So, I'm hoping this blog post helps with your decision making process. Who knows, reading this could turn out to be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

What you're expected to do...

Update your resume

If your intention is to start job hunting immediately this should be your first step. It's finally time to update your resumé with this amazing new professional degree. It's 2020, you should even update all your socials as well; Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Now start sending those resumés out to those private schools.

Apply to the M.O.E

Since you already have your B.Ed. I'm going to assume you've already obtained your teacher's registration number. If you wish to teach in a government school you must complete an Application for Employment form. After your application is submitted, you will be assessed by the Curriculum Development Division. You must pass an interview conducted by the Teaching Service Commission and have your name placed on the Order of Merit List at the Ministry of Education.

Further your studies

If you're truly an academic you might want to consider furthering your studies. You can go on to do a postgraduate degree, which is relatively inexpensive since the GATE programme covers funding for one postgraduate programme. If you decide to pursue your Masters degree, please ensure you are financially capable of covering all costs before doing so. No one wants to end up in debt.

If you're like me and you're not particularly satisfied with following the status quo, here are some alternative options for you:

Invest in your passion

Do you have any hobbies? Playing an instrument? Perhaps you love practicing yoga like me. How about you turn your passion into a source of income. Ever considered doing a short course and becoming certified in something you're passionate about? For example, you can start your own website, like I did. There are a myriad of free online websites that allows you to start your own website in a few quick, easy steps.

Whatever your passion, start researching how you can turn it into a money-making venture.

Become a tutor

Your shiny new degree will help you stand out among the crowd when applying to become a tutor. You can either apply to a tutoring organization or decide to market yourself personally as a tutor. Typically most tutors help students with their homework or prepare for exams, but since you have your Bachelor's of Education degree you can create your own curricular to make a greater impact in your students' lives.

Apply to teach abroad

Do you love to travel and have an appreciation for different cultures? If the answer is yes, then teaching abroad might be for you. It can open up a world of opportunity that’s as exciting as it is terrifying. There are two general routes to get you started on your journey to international teaching; applying to a teaching programme or applying directly to jobs that are not through a programme. The JET programme with Japan, is a popular option that offers Trinbagonian nationals the opportunity to teach abroad annually.

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