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Why I Chose to Become an Educator?

'What are your reasons for wanting to become a teacher', is the most important question that I've had to answer before plunging into this highly esteemed profession.

My choice to become an educator wasn't something I had dreamt of as a child growing up. In fact, I spent all of my childhood and well into my adolescent years wanting to become a Pediatrician. It's only after my first year of sixth form that I grew to dislike the sciences and was forced to reconsider my future goals and have some serious introspection. One thing that was certain was my passion for working with children.

After enrolling in university, I attended orientation and had the question thrown at us. The vast majority of responses included the salary, flexible hours, vacation time. As attractive as those responses sounded it just didn't resonate with me personally.

For me, becoming a teacher meant positively impacting students' lives and inspiring change that can shape future generations.

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward

Teaching isn't merely a job that helps pay the bills. Thinking of teaching as just a job rather than a career, diminishes it's value in the lives of many. My philosophy is that educators should provide their students with the necessary tools to awaken their genius within. Teachers should also provide love and support to their students, so they can navigate their lives with love and compassion for themselves and for others.

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